The Liberty Shirt – Phoenix Style

Found this shirt during my WAYyyy too many minutes (hours) online.

It costs just slightly less than car.

Anyone who sews has uttered the phrase “I think I remember a very similar pattern.”

And let the hunt begin!

I knew that I had seen a similar hem and front closure…. two days later, I found it… The Liberty Shirt by Sewing Workshop.

Sleeveless and this pattern is very similar to the vehicle- priced top.

Had some white linen/cotton/unknown damask that I washed and dried to avoid post-construction woes and set about cutting it out.

French seams, interfacing, facings, mitered corners – this pattern has them all.

The arm scythes required reworking as the pattern had sleeves and the desired outcome was sleeveless. This was accomplished in two steps (four if you count all the unsewing.)

The unpinned side is the original pattern line. It is an extended shoulder, which was not what I was looking for. The pinned side is a bit closer – I did take an additional small amount off at the shoulder seam tapering over 4″ to zero.

I cut armhole facings and sewed them up… and promptly un-sewed them (including understitching – GRrr)

The gap in the armhole front was impressive – prohibitively so! A quick dart was devised and everything sewn up again!

Buttons were from the Stash.

The final project was quite nice. I do not (yet) have a picture of the entire top, because most of the time I was wearing it, I got to hold this cutie…

Disclaimer: this was my first attempt posting on the mobile app. So if things are a bit catty-wumpus I apologize and will attempt to edit when a laptop comes along.

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2 Responses to The Liberty Shirt – Phoenix Style

  1. Betsy B. says:

    We love this version of the London Shirt, you did a fabulous job on it! Would you mind if we shared it on our social media? I think our community would love to see it. Thanks!

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