The Instant Gratification/Destashification Skirt

Instant Gratification/Destashification Skirt

Instant Gratification/Destashification Skirt

My daughters requested skirts – the type with the wide elastic as the waistband.

A trip to the mall was required before I understood what was being requested, but the girls were correct – the skirts were going to be simple and quick to sew!

They got to pick out the fabric.  The Stash provided the rest, including the elastic.

This skirt is a floral linen jacquard blend in pinks, bright green, and a dull grey.  Others included a quilting weight black, coral linen and two of grey linen.

If this print skirt looks longer than most of these skirts, it is.  My 15-year old daughter is 6 feet tall and the length of skirts available in stores is one of the reasons she requested I make her the skirts.

IGD Skirt

IGD Skirt

The skirt was cut as a rectangle, 5″ longer than the requested (required)  length and 8″ wider than her widest hip measurement.  I would reduce this to no more than 4″ or 5″ now as she thinks this skirt is a bit too “fat”.

Serging once around the rectangle is a good idea to prevent raveling.

I then turned up 1/2″ on the bottom and stitched it down.  Then turned up another 3.5″ to form the hem, but stitched it only in the middle, leaving the first and last 8″ of the hem open (for now).

Notched Upper Edge and pinned elastic.

Notched Upper Edge and pinned elastic.

Along the upper edge, I notched (cut very small triangles – maybe 1/4″) at the center front (fold fabric in half to find) and then again at the two side points (fold in half again).  So the notches were cut at the 1/4 point, the 1/2 point and the 3/4 point on the upper edge.

I cut a piece of 2″ wide elastic the same size as my daughter’s waist.  Pins were used to mark the 1/4, 1/2 and 3/4 points on the elastic.

In the photo above, the yellow line is 1″ from the upper edge of the skirt fabric.  The elastic should overlap the skirt approximately 1″ for stitching.

Secure and then pull elastic while stitching

Secure and then pull elastic while stitching

To attach the elastic to the skirt, stitch forward and back approximately 1/2″ to secure, and then continue stitching while pulling elastic to align 1/4 notch with 1/4 pin.

Stitching will gather skirt fabric

Stitching will gather skirt fabric

Once past the 1/4 marks, repeat until stitching reaches the 1/2 marks, and then again until it reaches the 3/4 mark and then to the edge.

Stitch down ends of elastic

Stitch down ends of elastic

Sew center back seam.  Complete the remaining section of the hem.

Stitch ends of elastic to secure.

Instant Gratification

Instant Gratification

And the Instant Gratification/Destashification Skirt is complete and ready to wear!

This entry was posted in Sewing, Sewing for a Teenager, Stash Couture, Tutorial and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink.

13 Responses to The Instant Gratification/Destashification Skirt

  1. Love it! Thanks for sharing, your instructions are very clear!

  2. This is really cute. I think my fussy (soon to be 15) granddaughter would wear a skirt like this.

  3. Rachel says:

    i am so ready to make this skirt. i am so glad i found this website, cause i was about to embark on this alone. i want to find really wide colored elastic, any suggestions on where?

  4. Melody Gardner says:

    Thank you so much!!! You know in all my wonderful sewing books I could not find a lesson on how to do this. While making this skirt I was already thinking stash—serger—-wide elastic—new wardrobe! Stylish maxi skirts for summer, here I come!

  5. Dianne Dunn says:

    I have just finished a skirt where I sewed the elastic on as the waistband. I wish I had seen this tutorial before I made the skirt. I sewed the seam of the skirt together first, which I shouldn’t have. It made it harder to attach the elastic. This skirt was for a 3-yr-old so it was a 19″ waist, which made it hard anyway. I ended up gathering up the waist of the skirt with the gathering foot. I then put right sides together and sewed the elastic to the skirt. I then serged the seam. It looks good but the elastic turned out to be only about 1/2 in wide. I think it will be fine. but it looks like you layed the elastic down and sewed it on top of the skirt. Do you trim off the skirt behind the elastic or what do you do with excess fabric. Thank you so much for the tut.

    • You are correct. I just layer the elastic on top of the right side of the fabric – stretch – and sew.

      This leaves approx. 1/2″ – 3/4″ of fabric behind the elastic – which can be pressed rather flat. For linen and other loose weave fabric, I do serge the raw edge first.

  6. Ben says:

    Hi, where did you get such wide elastic?

  7. Ben says:

    Hi there, can you tell me where you purchased the elastic band?


  8. BunnySewandSew says:

    did you use a ballpoint sewing machine needle?

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